Thursday, March 27, 2008

what's up!

ay yo!
what's up people!
long time it has been!

you see,during this holidays.
i've transformed from a oh-so-innocent-kid to a party animal.
partying,clubbing and more partying.
i'm a natural at it.
the night life's better than the daily life.
trust me.
the former beats the latter hands down.
a place where beautiful people gather and fugly people trying to blend in and just having the time of their lives and little underage kids hoping that they get laid.
one amusing thing about clubbing is that during the underage parties you can see all the little bengs and the little lians trying to act cool and act as if they've been there a million times.
i mean,it's not cool.
in the club, on the squeezy little dancefloor is where all the action begins.
loud music.
good bass.
it makes you feel as if your heart's about to drop out any second.
and your body'll automatically move along to the music.
a good dancer or not,you'll still enjoy yourself.
and if you are a good dancer you'll probably stomp the yard.
lots of bumping,grinding and groping.
it was all good and harmless.
well,i nearly got into a few fights trying to help a few girls from a few rowdy guys.
i mean,when the girls are not into you dude,back off.
i've noticed that girls like to go in threes.
i had more than a fair share of girls in the clubs.
the idea of working as bouncer or a disc jockey intrigues me a little.
a few bouncers have the i'll-kick-your-ass-if-you-cross-my-path attitude while some might just be better off staying at home taking care of their grandchildren.

and now i can't wait for school to start.


she moves her body like a cyclone.